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Couple Meditating on the Beach


 What this course offers:


  • Works towards understanding and transforming our patterns of communication and expression

  • Assists in breaking through unhealthy patterns of venting and teaches us how to powerfully express our needs

  • Allows us to understand and transform harmful ways or relating

  • Creates the space for us to get truthful about the kind of relationship we really want

  • Nurtures compassion in relationships

  • Enables people to deepen their relationship with themselves and others

  • Strengthens one's ability to create common ground and alliance


For more information and or to register please call Natalie at 99.488091 or book online. For the dates and times of each class please see our calendar.







Session 1: What is relationship? Being mindful in relationships and the cause of suffering in relationships

Session 2: Our state of relationships

Session 3: Being true about relationships

Session 4: Being straight about the level at which we relate

Session 5: Our response to failure in relationships
Session 6: Taking full responsibility for and in our relationships - Part A

Session 7: Taking full responsibility for and in our relationships - Part B
Session 8: Discovering our 5 primary motives
Session 9: Our 5 primary motives in relationship with our primary fears

Session 10: Dealing with our in-authentic fears

Session 11: Our 5 primary motives in relationship with our true values

Session 12: Creating Compassion/ Taking responsibility for however we are listened to

Session 13: Being integral and aligned/ Connecting to our truth
Session 14: Discovering our unwillingness to be intimate - Part A (Healing the Past)

Session 15: Discovering our unwillingness to be intimate - Part B (Our protective pretenses)

Session 16: Discovering our unwillingness to be intimate - Part C (You, I, It Should)
Session 17: Creating Intimacy
Session 18: What is love?
Session 19: Creating Happiness Vs. Pleasure

Session 20: Creating Freedom in Relationships (Setting Boundaries)
Session 21: Creating Romance
Session 22: Expanding our view of Self
Session 23: What is it all for?



Session 1: Introduction/ What does it mean to communicate mindfully
Session 2: Developing the capacity to pause/ Discovering the motivation behind our speaking
Session 3: Identifying ours and others' needs
Session 4: Automatic ways of harmful speaking/ How we use words that imply blame
Session 5: Listening to needs/ Speaking from needs
Session 6: Creating Empathy towards others
Session 7: Why we resits being Empathetic in relationships/ Unconcealing our perceived threats

Session 8: Recreating in Conversations

Session 9: Leading the dance of Conversation

Session 10: Knowing when to lead and when to follow - Part A

Session 11: Knowing when to lead and when to follow - Part B
Session 12: Are we really Communicating?

Session 13: Authentic Vs. Inauthentic Feelings

Session 14: Unconcealing our fundamental, automatic, underlying concern
Session 15: Observing vs evaluating and judging
Session 16: Distinguishing requests from demands. Communicating requests

Session 17: Making Agreements
Session 18: Transforming complaints/ Committed evaluations
Session 19: Transcending our automatic reaction to hearing a 'No'

Session 20: Dealing with Anger - Creating Compassion
Session 21: Dealing with Challenging communications


Sept 18th 2024 - Jan 15th, 2025

Parenting Teens Fundamentals
19:00-20:15 CET

Raising Powerful Teens. Parenting Teens Fundamentals is a 13 session webinar for parents and people working with kids who are interested in introducing mindfulness to them and self-awareness to their parenting and teaching.



For more information on this webinar and complete calendar click here

Dancer on Floor

Jan 22nd - May 15th, 2025

Parenting Teens: 
Difficult Emotions

19:00-20:15 CET

Parenting Teens: Difficult Emotions is a 13 session webinar in which we focus on difficult emotions, emotional regulation using mindfulness, changing automatic patterns of behavior and developing responsibility and a positive psychology. This class complements but also stands as independent from the other two parenting webinars. 



For more information on this webinar and complete calendar click here

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